Founder's message

Founder's message

Hi there,
I am so glad you found us. Be assured that you are not alone! 
Just like you, I have also experienced the challenges of living with the after effects of SJS/TEN so I can relate to the anxieties and frustrations you go through daily.
After an extensive research, I discovered there was no support out there for SJS/TEN Survivors but I was fortunate to be introduced to 

another survivor in my area during my worst moments and found great relief from sharing our challenges on phone.

I thought of you and other survivors and imagined how we could benefit from having a platform to support each other. Finally, after being encouraged by one of my Consultants, SJS AWARENESS UK was formed.

Thanks to SJS/TEN, most of us may have had a unique life changing experience, though not the most pleasant we could wish for, It’s my personal believe that we can collectively turn these into a great investment by working in partnership with the relevant authorities to discover and develop appropriate solutions that could improve the animosity and complexity of SJS/TEN in the long term.

Together, I believe we can form a strong group with one voice and make the anxieties of living with SJS/TEN a thing of the past!!!

Thermutis Nadier Lawson, Founder